Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Disable logon/logoff audit for a specific user in Oracle


After enabling audit, there are many entries created in DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL table. If the database is a data warehouse (DWH) one, there are chances for many logon and logoff entries in the audit table by the user who loads data to DWH.


So it's better to disable auditing of the load user, mostly an application user. We can do that as below:

SQL> noaudit create session by ODI_USER;

Noaudit succeeded.

From now on, logon and logoff actions won't be audited for ODI_USER


  1. No, still continue auditing of logon/logoff actions

  2. I have the same problem. It may be because auditing of create session is turned on by default and considered part of "default auditing".
